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product development life cycle

What’s the difference between Framework and Method?

What’s the difference between Framework and Method? The agile framework is an iterative product development life cycle (PDLC) that prioritizes adaptability, teamwork, earlier customer feedback and quick turnaround. It was initially created in reaction to the shortcomings of conventional project management approaches, which frequently led to sluggish development, exorbitant expenditures, and poor client satisfaction. Agile […]

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Scrum Master Training Facility

How to choose the right Scrum Master Training Facility?

How to choose the right Scrum Master Training Facility? As Scrum became a popular framework among all Agile methodologies, companies using this approach need more and more Scrum Masters for their teams. Some of them, especially those who transformed from old methods of managing the process, like project management, are looking for candidates among current

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Agile Software Development Methodologies

Agile Software Development Methodologies

Agile Software Development Methodologies have many advantages over traditional project management approaches in software development. There are not many doubts about these advantages and this is already known to many professionals in the field. But what I have noticed is the impressive evolution, not only technical, but also behavioral of development teams that have migrated

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agile software development

Planning short sprints to meet the customer business needs

Lately there has been much talk about agile software development and the best way to plan a successful sprint that meets the costumer business needs. We can say that the duration of the sprint greatly influences the end result of successful software deliveries, and this goes against the cultural aspects of each company, business dynamism

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